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The focus of this pack is to bring various Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6.
All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers/positions.
Every part is custom fit to it's respective truck.
Parts included:
BeaconBar (SSC cabs only)
Bakbar (cabins with spoilers only)
Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only)
HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
HiBar DH06 (SC Cabins); can be used with DH04 & DH07 HiBars
HiBar DH07 (SC Cabins)
HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
HiBar DH11 (SSC Cabins)
HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
VisorBar (SSC cabins); can be used with the DH08 HiBar
LedBar (XF 106 only)
MultiBar XL
Chassis & truck cables:
Airbar (4 variants)
ChassisBar (both trucks)
SideBar (4x2 chassis only)
WingBars (XF 105 only)
High power reverse work lamps for the Bakbars.
Illuminated LED name boards (both trucks, SSC cabs only)
Small update with fixes to the DH08 HiBar for the XF 105 is out. I also added two roof slots for the stand-alone BakBar for the XF 105 SpaceCab.
Version v1.83
Administrator -
10. November 2018 um 17:49 -