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Dieser Mod erlaubt es ein Netzwerk von Routen aufzuzeichnen
Dieser Mod erlaubt es ein Netzwerk von Routen aufzuzeichnen, um dann ein Fahrzeug von jedem beliebigen Punkt zu speziell definierten Zielen,
wie zum Beispiel der eigenen Farm, Feld 1 oder auch zu jedem Verkaufspunkt fahren zu lassen.
Info: Tastenkombinationen
Viele Tastenkombinationen können in den LS22-Tastenzuweisungen nachgesehen und/oder frei belegt werden.
Mauszeiger anzeigen/verstecken: mittlere Maustaste
PDA- und Helfermap
wenn in den persönlichen Einstellungen aktiviert:
- oberes Ziel setzen: LMB auf einen AD-Zielpunkt
- unteres Ziel setzen: RMB auf einen AD-Zielpunkt
- zuweisen (im Editor-Modus): LSTRG + RMB auf P
- löschen (im Editor-Modus): LALT + RMB auf P
- zum P schicken: LMB auf P
Strecken aufzeichnen (während dem Fahren)
im Editor-Modus:
- grüne Linie aufzeichnen: LMB auf REC
- blaue Linie aufzeichnen: RMB auf REC
- hellblaue Linie (rückwärts): LMB auf REC und dann einfach rückwärts fahren
- orangene Linie aufzeichnen: LShift + LMB auf REC
- braune Linie aufzeichnen: LShift + RMB auf REC
im Editor-Modus:
- Wegpunkte ein-/ausblenden: RSTRG drücken
- einzelnen Wegpunkt erstellen: LSTRG + LMB
- automatisch bei Erstellung verbinden: LSTRG halten + LMB
- verbinden: grüne Linie: LMB auf 1. Punkt, LMB auf 2. Punkt
- verbinden: blaue Linie: LMB auf 2. Punkt, LMB auf 1. Punkt
- verbinden: hellblaue Linie (rückwärts): LMB auf 1. Punkt, RShift + LMB auf 2. Punkt
- verbinden: orangene Linie: LMB auf 1. Punkt, LShift + LMB auf 2. Punkt
- verbinden: braune Linie: LMB auf 2. Punkt, LShift + LMB auf 1. Punkt
- Wegpunkt-Prio ändern: LShift + LMB auf Wegpunkt
- Wegpunkt löschen: LALT + LMB auf den Wegpunkt
- Wegpunkt verschieben: mit RMB greifen, dann verschieben und RMB am neuen Ort loslassen
- Wegpunkt verschieben und Höhe beibehalten: mit RMB greifen, LShift drücken und halten, dann erst den Wegpunkt verschieben
- Wegpunkte zwischen 2 Kreuzungen ändern -> Priorität ändern: 1. LMB auf Kreuzungspunkt, 2. LShift + LMB auf 1. Wegpunkt hinter der Kreuzung
- Wegpunkte zwischen 2 Kreuzungen ändern -> Richtung ändern: 1. LMB auf Kreuzungspunkt, 2. LSTRG + LMB auf 1. Wegpunkt hinter der Kreuzung
- Wegpunkte zwischen 2 Kreuzungen löschen: 1. LMB auf den Kreuzungspunkt, 2. LShift + LSTRG + LALT + LMB auf 1. Wegpunkt hinter der Kreuzung
- Kurve zwischen 2 Wegpunkten: LMB auf Wegpunkt, mit dem Mauszeiger auf den anderen Wegpunkt zeigen, Mausrad drehen bis die gewünschte Kurve erreicht ist und dann LMB auf den Wegpunkt
- LMB = linke Maustaste
- RMB = rechte Maustaste
- LSTRG = linke STRG-Taste
- RSTRG = rechte STRG-Taste
- LALT = linke ALT-Taste
- LShift = linke Shift-Taste
- RShift = rechte Shift-Taste
Administrator -
2. Juli 2022 um 12:18 -
Bugfixes und Verbesserungen:
- bei aktiven Förderbänder erfolgt keine Kollisionserkennung mehr #551
- Benutzereinstellungen wurden nicht gespeichert #554
Administrator -
17. Juni 2022 um 21:57 -
Bugfixes and improvements::
- Hhelper does not delete itself #441
- ateering axles (e.g. on loader wagons) are not locked when reversing #435
- AutoLoad caused several problems #437, #451, #453 & #539
- as of FS22_aPalletAutoLoader "unloading behind" is supported
- waiting time also when loading pallets via AutoLoad at loading point #431
- error TensionBelts.lua #477
- unloader gets stuck during harvester unloading
- unloader follows harvester without unloading #391
- "Fold implements" folds harvester even if it is not empty #506
- fill level detection on seed drills with fertilizer function when seed or fertilizer is empty
- fill type detection reworked (display and selection depending on fill types of vehicles, trailers, etc.) #233
- when re-/loading a supported fill type it happened that a wrong fill animation was started
- loader wagon can not be filled at purchase silo #429
- instead of herbicide, fertilizer was loaded at multi-crop purchase stations and vice versa #490
- notifications always show the vehicle name, also in the message history
- unloading in drive-through silo optimized
- error Specialization.lua:1566 #442
- debug marker 4_ shows "dead" ends even if there are target points (blue line) #259
- automatic refueling only where manual refueling is possible (no AIO silos) #485
- When refueling, all supported fuels should be filled up, f.e. DEF
- characters ",;" in folder names are converted to "_" #516
- new trailer variants "semitrailerCar" can not drive backwards #510
- added translations for color selection, list in FS22 blue
- vehicle flashes when reversing (warning lights, can be set in options) #236
Not fixed or currently not solvable:
- [Dedi-Server] problems with vanilla ball cart #538
- menu controllable with controller and keyboard #292
- debug marker 9_ shows possible errors, but may actually be none
- CP can hand over the stone collector to AD (pickup&delivery) #421
- separation of map and user settings (different files in the savegame folder) #524
- improvement collision boxes (new vehicle measurement) #536
ZitatIn FS22, vehicles are mostly defined larger (in XML) than they actually are.Alles anzeigen
With AD, this leads to vehicles on roads with a small (lateral) distance being recognized as a collision even though there would still be sufficient space between them.
To avoid this, the collision to the front, rear, left and right is determined for all parts belonging to the vehicle.
For this purpose, all attachments of the complete combination are measured when entering a vehicle, starting AD or after being folded by AD (mixtures of unmeasured and measured vehicles are normal and not a fault).
Only vehicles, trailers and attachments that do not have parts with rotation around the vertical axis are measured.
For example, trailers with turntable have the movable bogie with rotation around the vertical axis and this can also stand "twisted".
If a measurement were to be made now, the external collision would be the turned bogie with drawbar, which is much "wider" compared to the trailer just being towed.
Here may now come the objection "But you can also measure when the trailer is at some point straight", save, load etc.. -> more complicated always goes...!
Currently, 20 cm of "safety clearance" is still added around the outside.
ZitatAD drives refueling and repair if requested by CP, but settings of CP have priority.
Attention: harvesters are also sent for repair and refueling incl. the current attachments!
In the "Pickup / Delivery" mode with CP field work, the vehicle combination is unloaded at the end of work before parking, if "Park at end" is activated in AD.
AD is only activated in sensible modes, if wrong mode is selected -> notification.
Example: Driving is not useful for e.g. seed drills, but can be used for "ready message".
Version v2.0.0.5
Administrator -
27. März 2022 um 12:56 -
Bugfixes and improvements:
- Route network debugging extended by "4_" for double-sided routes #259
Zitat- 1_ = End of a one-way route without connection
- 2_ = Angle for driving backwards is greater than 90°
- 3_ = Start of a one-way route without connection
- 4_ = Start or end of a two-way line without connection (new)
- REC function makes the game "freeze" #337
- Route recording with e.g. a wheel loader led to a LUA error #301 & #377
- Avoid moving waypoints in map view from helper menu #303
- Fruit bypass improved by detection of new grass in FS22 #184
- Consideration of mass instead of m³ for fill level detection of unloader (can be activated in LS22 options)
- Improved cooperation of unloader with potato harvester #311
- Pathfinding to thresher starts too early (tube not yet fully extended) #419
- Unloader does not drive backward after unloading #315
- Various bugfixes and improvements to helper system when CP passed to AD #322
- Optimization regarding transfer to CoursePlay for start at the first or continuation at the last CoursePlay waypoint
- Unloader does not wait for turning maneuver from CoursePlay #326
- Improvement for CoursePlay chopper regarding chasing
- AD does not pass to CoursePlay in MP when you are in the vehicle yourself #368
- Disable CoursePlay button in AD modes "Drive" and "Unload" #385
- "Click to switch" (vom CP-Team) was fixed #355
- Improvement of folding vehicles and attachments, folding is now activated by default, deactivate experimental switch in case of problems!
- Transported equipment, which is not coupled, is also repaired if it belongs to the yard of the transport vehicle (e.g. cutting units on a wagon)
- In-game ball collectors can be unloaded when passing through a "bale" trigger (Pickup&Deliver)
- In case of automatic selection for the unloading side or unloading side=back, it is tried not to use the grain pusher
- IVT gearbox has no power on the hill #371
- The wage level for the helper is taken from the game, other settings e.g. from mods are thus calculated correctly #398
- Route Manager partially stopped working (Procedure: Start game, save + quit and then move everything from "autoDrive" to modSettings\FS22_AutoDrive)
- Collision detection improved when reversing #274
- Reversing with cutterbar wagon does not work #340
- Drive-through silo problem with unloading too slow at the beginning #194
- Problem with backward unloading when setting small silo distances (10m) fixed #347
- Shopauswahl für das Kaufen und Verkaufen lässt sich in "Abladen" nicht de- und aktivieren (blaue Hängersymbole), wird bei Modus-Wechsel immer deaktiviert #297
- Automatic store selection for buying and selling cannot be de- and activated in "Unload" (blue trailer icons), will be always deactivated when changing mode #297
- Working light is switched on during loading and unloading as well as driving in silos if activated -> default on (Non-functional settings) #392
- Improved calculation of the curve radius
- Mod conflict "grease" fixed, is not supported #418
- Corrected calculation in getTractorTrainLength
- Drivers are controlled by FillUnit, no longer by vehicle (better recognition of e.g. swap bodies/add-ons)
- Fixed several LUA bugs
nicht gefixt oder nicht lösbar:
- For self-driven tankers diesel is not shown as loadable good, check still open #233
- "Vehicle drives to refuel" but then stops at AiO silo #188
- AD can load and unload pallets, bags and bales via AutoLoad-Mod from Achimobil, please use latest version of it!
Administrator -
10. Januar 2022 um 12:29 -
Discord Server:
For help & support, feel free to join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/9D4B5hX
Version 2.0.0
Administrator -
18. Dezember 2021 um 10:52 -