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With this machine you can remove tree branches from trees you cut down by feller buncher or chainsaw.
- Just grab bottom of tree to your claws and put it into the delimber. Then close delimber's claws and run the tree throw delimber by moving/rotating your arm.
- When delimbed, you can cut tree to specified length by saw placed on the back of the delimber.
- Recommended trees size to be process: max 25m
- It only delimbs when claws are closed
- Current length of tree to be cut is displayed in F1 menu and on inside display
- You can enable automatic grab head rotation when delimbing (useful when using combination of keyboard and mouse for controls instead of two joysticks)
- All controls can be set in your controls settings
Price: 325000 €
Power: 280 HP
Max. reach: 10 m
KEY_b - turn on saw
KEY_v - turn on / off automatic head rotation
If you find any errors or issues, let me know in comment or to kenny456@seznam.cz and i will fix it in next version.
kenny456 -
14. Dezember 2021 um 15:01 -