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hello, I am sharing the high ton trailer that I edited for fs22,
the feature of this trailer is that it comes with a customizable option,
85,000 tons, and 45,000 tons as standard.
no extra weight.
tractors pull the trailer smoothly.
Modbot -
13. Juni 2022 um 16:44 -
changes: V
- Maximum 87,000 tons and minimum 47,000 tons capacity adjustments were made.
- Shop money has been reduced.
- lifespan increased.
- trailer weight reduced.
Modbot -
16. Mai 2022 um 17:05 -
the feature of this trailer is that it comes with a customizable option, 85,000 tons, and 45,000 tons as standard.
no extra weight.
tractors pull the trailer smoothly.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
4. Dezember 2021 um 13:11 -