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Das Forum Forbidden Mods übernimmt keine Gewährleistung für
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GAZ-66 is a Soviet and Russian medium-duty off-road truck with a 4 × 4 wheel arrangement,
a carrying capacity of 2.0 tons and a cab above the engine.
The most massive all-wheel drive two-axle truck in the Soviet Army of the USSR Armed Forces.
It was also used in the national economy of the USSR and Russia.
Developed and produced at the Gorky Automobile Plant from 1964 to 1999.
Mod features:
-Choose the color of the cabin;
-Selection of the second color of the cabin;
-Selection of the color of the roof;
-Selection of the color of the disks;
-Selection of wheels;
-Selection of a body, 4000l, 6000l, silage body for 12000l;
-It gets dirty;
-Present wear;
-The log is clean.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
21. November 2021 um 12:01 -