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The agricultural valley is a small map of the plains style there is a concession Agram a cooperative Biocer a small village
between fields and swamp it contains a pig farm and a cereal farm and there are 22 plots
Credits: Hugo Mapping, Vin's Play, Axel Modding
Here are good games at all.
Version 3.0.0
Administrator -
27. Juni 2019 um 21:13 -
Here is the V3 of the map with some modification, enlargement of the map etc
- 3 Farm
- Cow farm
- Grain farm
- Fictitious farm
- 1 Cooperative
- Sale of milk
- 2 Village
- Functional purchaseable land
- House With Furniture
- Cow farm and grain farm edit
- Main Village edit
- Road redone
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
22. Oktober 2018 um 20:42 -