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2. Die Richtigkeit der Angaben inclusive des Downloadlinks
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- Real genuine tires from the Trelleborg factory
- Kleber, BKT, Continental wheel and tire combinations
- New rims and hubs
- New front hydraulics / Hauer FS4 28 with and without ZW
- New sound
- Sic for windows and internal functions
- 2 clamps for guidance control
- Radio and CB radio, including wobbly antennas on the roof
- changed XML and moddesc
- Engine data adjusted to actual values (165PS / 190PS)
- Various contemporary stickers
- Stainless steel exhaust stolen from @ MB-Trac by Bremi456
- Customized size and position of standard exhaust
- Moddesc version increased to 53
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
7. November 2021 um 18:06 -