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These are John Deere 616C/716C Corn Headers.
Brand: John Deere
Price: 89000 €
Working Width: 12.3 m (16 30" Rows)
Category: Corn Headers
- Row's Tips color Configurations,
- LANKOTA Stalk Stompers Configurations,
- Stalk knives Configurations,
- Transport support Configurations,
- Work lights Configurations,
- 616C 2014 or 716C 2018 stickers (depend which version we will choose in store).
- Big amount of details,
- Realistic parts and frame (remodeled)
- Foldable rows by "X" for easier transport,
- 180 movable Elements,
- Realistic details and stickers,
- StalkMaster option: stalk Cutters,
- Movable side fins on mouseControl,
- Attacher Support frame (disappears after attach the header),
- back Work lights.
- Foldable Rows,
- Movable StalkStompers on mouseControl,
- Movable side fins on mouseControl,
- 180 movable Elements,
- Separated 17 cutting Chains.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
26. Oktober 2021 um 11:16 -