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Dusty's Dairy Barn Placeable
This is a placeable version of the barn I've been posting about.
Should be all ready to get to work in, with a few things to note:
A placeable of this type is tough to make "drop In" this will require a little bit of terrain sculpting to get it perfect.
If you want silos in the corner shed, it take a bit of work to get them put in nicely.
Bronkema Toys just released some nice ones with a silage blower, check his page out.
Something different I'm trying is making it so the cows aren't always inside.
When you open the man door leading to the staging pen, the cows show up, when you close it, they disappear.
All triggers work fine even when cows aren't visible.
Straw trigger is in the center aisle of the barn behind the cows, the water should be self explanatory, milk trigger is next to the milkhouse, no spillage.
The feed trigger is in front of the static cows, right through the large door.
No full size mixers fit well, I'll probably wind up with a version that has outdoor feeding for those that prefer that.
For those that want to feed indoors look for the WIC 90 feed cart I released.
I expect a bit of feedback on these, I have some things I'm considering changing for V2, but I wanted to get peoples opinions now.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
28. September 2021 um 13:06 -