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American Life Farming, this is based on various parts of ohio in the united states, all models are based of real life parts of ohio.
- Animals that are included 2 x cattle yards with custom real life made barns, Sheep farm custom real life made barns also pigs (must buy land first)
- Seasons-ready
- Anhydrous added
- Multi Terrain Support
- Calfs added (must buy land first)
- Precision Farming supported also with new crops.
- 10 new custom cultures added - Alfalfa, Rye, Rice, Sorghum, tomatoes, onions, millet & carrots, soybeans, corn, triticale (fillable pallets for tomatoes, carrots, onions)
- 44 fields with missions, all fields are various sizes
- 8 selling points including 1 x BGA.
- Various farms from large to small including animals.
- Custom soil textures, distance, grass, ground textures.
- Custom lighting.
- Animated objects.
- All brand new models created by me as well as various elements taken from the Farming Simulator 19 functions - please ask me first if any of them can be used!
- StrawMe - ready
- MaizePlus - ready
- Chopped_Straw - ready
- Addon_strawHarvest ready
- Train Added (only decorative) not ridable
- New Save Needed
- Please Start With New Farmer Mode
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
25. Juli 2021 um 10:47 -