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With this wood slasher you can quickly cut tree logs (up to 22m) to specified length (2 - 8m).
- Current length of cut is displayed in the front section of trailer
- You can enter and operate wood slasher even if it is not attached to the truck
- You need some loader to load trees to the slasher
- You can unload processed logs by pressing Unload button
- Work light for operate in the night
- Optional back attacher for another trailer
Wheel configurations: Standard / Forestry / Wide tyres
Price: 160000€
Needed power: 140 HP
KEY_B - Turn on saw
KEY_I - Start / stop unloading
AXIS_CRANE_ARM - Move table with saw forward / backward
AXIS_CRANE_ARM2 - Raise / lower table with saw
AXIS_CRANE_ARM3 - Move back pusher in / out
AXIS_CRANE_ARM4 - Raise / lower saw
If you find any errors or issues, let me know in comment or to kenny456@seznam.cz and i will fix it in next version.
kenny456 -
29. Juni 2021 um 11:40 -