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Caterpillar 3406E Engine Mod
Well here is my Version of the Caterpillar 3406E
4 engines 450hp, 550hp, 710hp, 1044hp,
The 450 & 550 are as per Caterpillar Spec data sheets. The 710hp and 1044hp are for all you bangers who have the need for speed.
The sound samples I purchased through unreal engine marketplace and some others I recorded from various YT videos.
Crank this one up. I have Engine, Turbo, Exhaust sliders all set to MAX here.
Compatible with Heaps of trucks (almost 50)
All SCS Trucks
Kishadowalker – Dodge, Western star, International, Superliner
Rudas – Pete, Kenworth, Freightliner
Pingas – Pete & Kenworth
RTA – KW 108, 200, T908, T609, Mack, Pete 359 & 379
Jessmods Classic XL
Anonymous – Pete 353, KW t600
Harven’s – FLB, W990, Mack R, Argosy
Richo’s Kenworth W900 Long
GTM’s – KW T610, W900B, Pete 567
Project 3XX
Redds Mack CHU613
Vipers Pete
Ovefloaters K100e
Big Daddys W900A
Blueprints Kenworth & Mack
Bluelines Pete
Rollin 389
Texas Chrome W900