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Second version of Sambreville,
The map has doubled in size compared to V1 and several improvements have been added:
Fishing boat
Fishing system
Careers of lime, gravel, buyable sand and indispensable for certain factories (as more possible to buy gravel and sand at the coop)
Beer bottle factory
Beer factory
Fabric factory
Greenhouses of vegetables and fruit
Butter and cheese factory
New village
Addition of fields with fallow system (Purchasable in a sales agency)
New system for purchaseable animal water
Some small public works site (construction of bridges, cleaning of the canal, possibility with the earth at home constructing to fill the hole of the pipes)
Modification of the silo system (there is more than one for all farms and it is for cows)
Wood chipper
New gas storage system
Etc., etc …
I wish you a lot of pleasure on this new version.
(Sorry for English and German speaking, I have not taken the time to do the translations now, maybe later, so for the moment 100% in French, partly English German)
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
5. April 2018 um 23:05 -