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Well today’s the day!!
Here is the release of my 1600 Series combine produced by Case IH!
This pack includes the Case IH 1600 Series Axial Flow, the Case IH 1670 Hillside Combine, the Case IH 1682 Pulltype combine,
the Case IH 83 Series Corn headers ranging from 4 row to 8 row, some Case IH grain headers ranging from 10FT to 30FT and a Case IH Pickup Header reskin!
This was a great project for me to learn new things such as animations and what not, but it isn’t perfect so don’t hold me up against it for something I looked over.
This mod is not error free due to errors out of my ability.
Big thanks to Tired Iron Modding for helping me out with a lot of stuff I came to, he is probably really annoyed at
me for how many times I asked him stuff so go give him some love! Credit goes to original Modders for stuff I used.
**The Pickup header requires the Crop extension script for it to actually pick up grains, I will post a link the the description for it once I find it**
Once again enjoy this Series if combines I put a lot of time into!
Modbot -
15. November 2021 um 12:07 -
The V2 of the 1600 Axial Flow series I made.
The crop you harvest with this WILL create no yield UNLESS you hit num 0, in there youll find a diagram,
as of real life you have to adjust your combine, setting preferances are listed below.
Num 0: Open Diagram
Alt Num 4/5: Decrease\Increase rotor speed
Alt Num 7/8: Increase/Decrease Setting 2
Alt Num / * Increase/Decrease Setting 3 Alt Num.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
4. April 2021 um 11:14 -