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Hierfür gelten folgende Grundsätze:
Das Forum Forbidden Mods übernimmt keine Gewährleistung für
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2. Die Richtigkeit der Angaben inclusive des Downloadlinks
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Hello, it is time to release the Man F2000 rigid trucks.
1. You need SimpleIC mod.
2. IC trigger for the back door/curtain is on the back left angle of the truck, not on the back like it is on the Scania
3. Some of the configurations don't work together, this is not a bug, just the mod is made like that.
1. Cabin color
2. Body color
3. Rims color
4. Hubs color
5. Extra lights configurations
6. Decals configurations
7. Beacons configurations
8. Roofrack configuration
9. Windshield configuration
10. Wheels configurations
11. Engine configurations
12. Custom sound
13. Animated doors
14. Animated cabin
Modbot -
6. Mai 2021 um 14:11 -
1. New wheels
2. New colors
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
20. März 2021 um 21:14 -