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FS-UK Modding is proud to present you Oxygen Davids first update for Chellington Valley,
taking some of the best ideas from older Chellington maps and of course
the main farm which was always one of my favourites.
- The map contains rain admirer so when it rains mud and puddles will appear in fields and gateways. You might even see a rainbow to when it rains
- The main river will also flood making some roads inaccessible. (credits “lan898”)
- Brand new lighting 3.0 with vibrant colours blue sky dramatic sunsets along with new map textures.
- New fruits (lentils and chickpeas)
- Compost
- Cuttable hedges
- Calves
- All animals (chickens and sheep and horses) will produce manure and need straw bedding
- 130 fields (small/medium/Large) with over 80 missions
- Seasons compatible with seasons extras
- 11 farms all designed for different farmers (arable, animals, tight, real life replicas, open)
- 25 sell points (BGA, Saw mill, 2 forests)
- New intelligent traffic system that slows down in towns and junctions and speeds up everywhere else while taking random routes across the map.
- Custom traffic even articulated lorries
- Lots of interior locations perfect for YouTube roleplays (church, gym, houses, log cabins, haunted house etc)
- Lots of animated objects to bring the map to life like a Flying Scotsman train, road sweeps, class 125 train, forklifts, circus rides
- Working speed cameras
- All roads are modelled so they are much more realistic and seamless
- Unique land can be bought for areas like Chellington Manor, Chellington Castle etc
Maize mod supported (Credits “Farming agency“)
- Alfalfa, Clover, Horsegrass, Fieldgrass, Meadowgrass, Miscanthus, Triticale, Rye, Spe
- Onions, Carrots
- Grassilage, Maizesilage, Cloversilage, Alfalfasilage
- Horsehay and Horsesilage
- Whole-crop-silage (also in bales and forage wagons)
- Grass, Alfalfa and Clover have 4 drying stages (needs at least 3x tedding) – with and without seasons
- Fruit Destruction 2.0 – extended realistic fruit destruction
- Height-type-Limit maxed to 128
- MTA 32
- Manure mod supported
- Straw Harvest Ready
- Lots of new map textures, models, trees etc.
- More features coming soon
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Administrator -
13. Februar 2021 um 15:39 -