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FS19 Four Lakes Farm By Stevie.
Here's the map, have fun with it folks, happy farming and stay safe.
Version 20/03/2021
Modbot -
20. März 2021 um 21:35 -
20/03/2021 let's try this again without the haycart texture error.
Here's today's FS19 Four Lakes Farm By Stevie update.
The update should not require a new game being started.
The update has a new shared texture folder for all the placeables which reduces the map file size as well as adding in new placeables which include,deco houses, planted flour beds, a farm digester, a new sell point four carrots, onions, potato, sugar beet and water and 3 new greenhouses.
Signs have been added to each placeable fermenting bunker, clip distance has been altered,
My new version 2 Grimme Auto loading conveyor has been added to the vehicles and more.
Have fun with it and stay safe folks.
Version 20/02/2021
Modbot -
21. Februar 2021 um 12:35 -
Update 20/02/2021 No new game required.
This update will not require a new game save.It will add a new placeable sell point purchased in store, add 3 new small placeable bunkers for silage,
composting and alfalfa silage making again purchased in the store, allow the 2 new grass types to be
harvested with forage harvesters with direct cutters and more
The carrot and onion Ropa's can be found in the misc vehicles and misc implements section of the store.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
12. Februar 2021 um 10:20 -