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The package includes a Bizon Z-040 combine harvester, a 420cm wide cutter and cutter trailer.
The harvester will be suitable for small farms, it has quite small capacity.
Harvester data:
Price: $ 25500
Capacity of the fuel tank: 200l
Tank capacity: ~ 2600l (up to two tons of wheat)
– mountable sunshade
– mountable straw chopper
– mountable warning triangle
Cutter data:
Price: 5500 $
Working width: 420cm
Max. working speed: 5km / h
– mountable covers (top, bottom or both)
There is a possibility of manual assembly of field dividers and a canola table.
Transport trailer data:
Price: 1650 $
The harvester has a fairly large number of animations, has quite a rich script and many manual elements
(on the „approach“, such as discharge pipe, pulley flaps, tank flap) or vibration animations of many parts during work.
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
17. August 2018 um 09:41 -