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Auto Loading Trailer For NH D1000 Baler Release – PLEASE READ
– WARNING. If you have V1.0.1 or earlier of the New Holland D1000 baler, all D1000 bales which are already on the map they will disappear
by activating the UAL version 1.0.2 of the D1000. Version 1.0.2 is needed to use the Dooley UAL trailer to auto collect D1000 bales.
This is because the bales requires a modification to be UAL compatible
– Trailer has new textures and a „green, mold like“ dirt texture vs the standard brown texture
– Standard UAL key bindings to operate – Z to select object type to pickup, X to activate, drive beside the object and it will be automatically picked up,
press X to switch off, B to select unloading side and press Y to unload
HD Bales = Welger AP Small Square Bales
Big Bales = Big Hesston 1.2m X 1.3m size Bales
D1000 = Bales made by D1000 V1.0.2
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
11. August 2018 um 14:44 -