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The mod includes:
Multicar M22 modular car:
- Power: 11 kW / 15 HP;
- Speed: 25 km / h;
- Fuel tank capacity: 100 l.;
- Price: 21,649 €;
- Selection of the main color;
- Wheel color selection;
- Support for the "Simple IC" script.
- Animated devices, gimbal;
- Working lighting equipment;
- Working mirrors;
- Leaves traces of wheels;
- Gets dirty and washes.
Dump truck body module:
- Price: 5,775 €;
- Selection of the main color;
- Select the unloading side;
- Volume: 3,500 l.
Side body module with awning:
- Price: 5,775 €;
- Selection of the main color;
- Support for the Simple IC script.
Feed mixer module:
- Price: 5,775 €;
- Selection of the main color;
- Volume: 5,000 l."
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
6. Dezember 2020 um 21:21 -