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Here's the FS19 Freedom Farm Test map for you guy's to try out.
Again this map won't be for everyone as it's mainly for the user to go to town creating.
Have fun with it and report any issues in the comments please.
Regards Stevie.
Version 08/12/2020
Modbot -
9. Dezember 2020 um 08:38 -
Public Release 08/12/2020 V1.70.13 Download, unzip and place the map zip into your mods folder.
You must start a new game save with the public map the test map version save is redundant and should not be used at all.
A few months ago LukeBK asked if I could make a map for him and as he has helped me out so much in the pastwith farming simulator I couldn't have been happier to do so especially when he told me what he wanted.
Freedom Farm is very different from what I have created in the past and was created to be deconstructed by the user andallow them the maximum opportunity to recreate the map however they wished. Now the public map is slightly different
to Luke's and has 4 large fields added just so a beginner can just play the map like any other.
Freedom Farm was in need of a full renovation as it had become run down so it's farm land wascontracted out to its good neighbors whilst the the building work was undertaken.
The renovation of the farm has now been completed early so its time to buy out the contract for you land and take control of your farming destiny.
The map is seasons ready complete with textures, maize plus ready, straw addon ready, has a couple of extra fruits,has compost, washed potato, steamed potato, hmilk, multi angle terrain built in, full map size water plane so you can
create lakes and rivers anywhere, custom texture's, many extra layers of foliage which can be painted with the landscaping tool
and much much more.
I wish you all the best and lot's of fun, stay safe every one and all the best for 2021.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
5. Dezember 2020 um 21:57 -