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* Fiatagri Laverda 3550AL **
Italian combine harvester belonging to the series
"3000 self-leveling"
It was produced at the turn of the 80s and 90s and remained in production for more than fifteen years.
It featured an automatic pendulum leveling mechanism that allowed it to overcome 40% transverse slopes,
longitudinal slopes of 30% uphill and 10% downhill.
Powered by a 6-cylinder Iveco 6-cylinder in-line supercharged 150cv engine signed 8061.25 SI
Hydrostatic wheel drive for greater safety on slopes, defined by many "the queen of the hills".
It fitted four straw walkers with standard double ventilation, on request it was possible to add the straw chopper system and the grain tank cover, with a maximum capacity of up to 3700 liters of product.
these are the technical characteristics of what was created in collaboration between the two brands Laverda and Fiatagri.
Today we propose it in a virtual version for FS17
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
3. August 2018 um 17:12 -