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Yukon River Valley is a 16x map that is designed to keep you busy for a long time.
There are three farms on the map, but in order to expand your farm you must remove trees to plow in your new fields.
A long with all the forestry on map there is mining as well.
You will have the ability to run dirt through a wash plant for gold and also through a dirt processing plant for sand, gravel, stone, and ore.
The use of these materials than can be made into cement, concrete and steel.
There is also a coal mine on map with a tunnel running through a Mountain.
Once all coal is cleared will serve as a small shortcut.
This map will need the placeable mods in the file you download in order to have all farm buildings, sawmills and woodchip truck sell point.
Just unpack into your mods folder.
Hope you all enjoy.
Version V2.4
Modbot -
23. Mai 2021 um 21:19 -
Yukon River Valley is a 16X map with mining and production.
The map is based in the Yukon Territory of Canada so gold mining is the focus.
Other than gold mining you got dirt processing plants, crude oil, coal, steel, concrete, limestone, paper, pallet, potato, and whiskey production.
There are five sawmills located around the map as well for all the loggers out there.
Version 1.1.0
Modbot -
15. November 2020 um 13:49 -
-Rework of washplant and added new washplant to claim area
-All placeables except farm building will now be owned by whoever buys the farmland
-Replaced stone with tailings and paydirt with concentrate. Concentrate is now a pallet produced at washplant sluiceboxes.
-Made washplant a placeable mod.
-Updated PDA with icons for easier navagation
-Added fuel placeable and tanker trailer to fill washplant and gold processer. In game trailer wont work
-Made all filltypes more dense so heaps at dirt processing plants can be much larger.
-Fixed coal mine where players could not grab material.
-Removed floating mine
-A lot of minor fixes to terrain and foilage painting of map.
-Updated selling station placeable for all products on made. -
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
19. Oktober 2020 um 20:20 -