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The mod consists of:
1) Wheeled version of the Case 688/61 excavator
- Power: 90 h/p;
- Speed: 25 km/h;
- Color selection;
- Choice of configuration;
- Choice of decals;
- Choice of wheels;
- Animation of dashboard, driveshaft, levers and pedals;
- Opens the front window and the left door;
- Light, beacon;
- Washable.
2) Tracked version of the Case 688/61 CK excavator
- Power: 90 h/p;
- Speed: 12 km/h;
- Color selection;
- Choice of decals;
- Animation of dashboard, levers and pedals;
- Opens the front window and the left door;
- Light;
- Washable.
3) Bucket Godet 1m
- Color selection;
- Volume: 1200 l;
- Washable.
4) Bucket Godet 0,5m
- Color selection;
- Volume: 800 l;
- Washable.
5) Bucket Godet Curage
- Color selection;
- Volume: 1200 l;
- Washable.
6) Two dumps
- Color selection;
- Trailed (1);
- Washable.
7) Single axle trailer SEK802
- Volume: 4000 l;
- Color selection;
- Choice of configuration;
- Choice of wheels;
- Trailed;
- Washable.
Fahrer -
13. Oktober 2020 um 09:15 -