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I have converted map from 17 to 19.
The map has 3 cow pastures, 2 beef, 1 dairy, horse, pig, sheep.
Farm management.
The silo an building are still in.
It is set up for maize plus, seasons.
The crops are added sorghum, corn2, peanut, alfalfa, clover, onion, carrot, and tobacco.
Version 2.0.0
Modbot -
7. September 2020 um 18:39 -
I have fix the problems that was reported to me.
I have replaced the pig husbandry and sheep husbandry.
They are in same place as before. I planted one field with canrola.
I replace the 3 silos for seeds, fert, and etc. at main farm to one silo to supply all your needs.
Two beef lots and one dairy lot.
Version 1.2.0
Modbot -
17. August 2020 um 15:54 -