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Hey guys, here's the JOHN DEERE S600 US VERSION MODEL 2012!
* Carefully read all the information to avoid unnecessary questions!
- 2 grain storage options
- Real sound
- 2 piping options
- 5 optional wheels (with tracks!)
- 2 engine options (S680 and S690)
- The Starfire option
- Number
- farm logo (own collection)
Due to the complexity of the project (the most detailed and the most difficult that Custom Modding has ever done), we forbid any type of editing except personal use!
Update the game to the latest version!
If you use the drivecontrol mod, use the 4wd version with the trace.
On the pipeline, as some of you may know, FS17 does not support more than 1, but I have adapted to work so you need to centralize it properly to release it.
IC Control and John Deere are not available in this release. Because of the delay of the project (Rafael was).
Version 2.0.0
Administrator -
8. Juli 2018 um 18:16 -