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Mod has:
– passenger mod
– openable door for approach
– IC panel (door, window)
– fold-out pipe from the cab (Panel IC)
– manual pouring on the „O“ key
– animated lever
– tips (speed, speed, fuel condition)
– animation of clutch, brake and gas lever
– lights and direction indicators
– folding straw chopper on approach „X“
– side and top flaps opened
– warning lights (beacons)
– pulleys animation
– washable
– real lights
– real flue gas
– real sounds
– maximum speed 25 km / h
– working speed 6-7 km / h
– 3,500 L tank capacity
– 240 L fuel tank
– trailer attacher
– CORRECTED CAMERAS, the previous ones were cumbersome, that’s why they were changed into traditional ones
LINK 1: COMBINE http://sharemods.com/pj92kuxf3092/F…Rekord.zip.html
LINK 2: HEDER http://sharemods.com/z9vdqy5t92db/F…ederNH.zip.html
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
30. Juni 2018 um 08:29 -