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riginally built the map in 1 week, then came back to it and made several additions.
In real life, this area has way less trees, so I took some artistic liberty and added more scenery. 95% of the trees should be cuttable however!
1. There are two beef farms. They are designed to work with seasons,
you will NOT be able to access the milk trigger if you buy dairy cattle at these farms (the two all white farms).
2. There is ONE dairy barn with a milk trigger, this is at the red farm to the east.
3. I included augurs and some trigger pics to help you out but most triggers should be pretty self-evident. Most grain bins on the map have static augurs.
4. I am including multiple links to the same map to manage the volume of downloads.
5. Map came out to 600MB. There are 0 errors in the log. There are a couple performance warnings, however they should not affect gameplay at all.
6. Let me know if I've missed anything! Most importantly: ENJOY!
Version 2.0.0
Modbot -
15. Juni 2020 um 12:54 -
Many of the fixes on Farmersburg were very minor, but I did get the harvestore silos to consistency work.
You will need to purchase the property and make sure to have the silo I included in the pack enabled in your mods folder
(for some reason the game likes to pull the filltypemover.lua from the mod and not the map even if I tell it to do that).
99% of the errors and warnings have been fixed.
There may be a couple, maybe one error and a few warnings, but these are not at all game breakers as they are very minor and will not be noticeable.
Also, REMINDER, only one barn on one farm can be used for dairy cattle.
The rest are dedicated to beef cattle in the seasons mod, just like it is in real life!
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
27. Mai 2020 um 09:48 -