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As there are several tractors that I really like but that are using interactive control (and i like Courseplay also) I have modified them to use SimpleIC.
To avoid any issues with copyright I will share with you only the SimpleIC modification and very brief guide how to implement it.
In the attachement you will find Simple IC code to the following tractors:
How to replace it
- If not installed, install SimpleIC mod
- Backup your mod
- Modify modDesc.xml by removing interactive control, code looks like this:
<specialization name="interactiveControl" className="InteractiveControl" filename="scripts/InteractiveControl.lua" />
<specialization name="interactiveWindows" className="InteractiveWindows" filename="scripts/InteractiveWindows.lua" />
- Optional - remove also action and inputbinding for IC from modDesc.xml, look like this
<action name="IC_SPACE" category="VEHICLE" axisType="HALF" />
<action name="IC_MOUSE" category="VEHICLE" axisType="HALF" />
<actionBinding action="IC_SPACE">
<binding device="KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT" input="KEY_space" axisComponent="+" neutralInput="0" index="1" />
<actionBinding action="IC_MOUSE">
<binding device="KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT" index="3" />
- Replace interactive control code with SimpleIC in the mod main xml. SimpleIC code is attached in zip file, with coresponding xml name).
- Dont replace the file, but just the code inside.
- Code to be replaced with Simple IC code looks like this:
Thats all, works for me without any errors. Let me know if you want to add your favorite tractor.
If you want to remove also the IC stickers in vehicles you need to use Giant editor and remove visibility of the IC stickers.
Dont remove them, they are often as reference point.
Version 1.0.1
Flippo_79 -
3. Mai 2020 um 08:26 -
Version 1.0.0
Flippo_79 -
2. Mai 2020 um 13:09 -