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Hello LS community!
I present you my new version V2 John Deere 8020 Series for FS2019.The mod has been rebuilt 100%
This new version John Deere 8020 Series includes new UDIM textures, Interactive Control script(IC) many new animations, configurations wheels, new configurations visuals, fixed sounds and
and many other new features... I spent a few weeks on this mod.I hope you will like the mod and and you'll appreciate my effort.
Have a nice game!
John Deere 8020 Series [8120, 8220, 8320, 8420, 8520 and 8520 Chip]
- Washable and Wearable
- Animated joystick
- Full animmated front axle
- Dynamic Hoses
- Configuration selection ---> front weights or front hydraulic
- Working lights, turn signals, brake lights
- 6 types engine power versions (8120, 8220, 8320, 8420, 8520 and 8520 Chip)
- Wheels configurations
- Movable cooler fan
- GPS configuration
- Terminals configuration
- Animated hydraulic
- Animation wipers
- Speedometer and tachometer
- Dust, tire tracks
- Movable front fender
***** No errors in the LOG! *****
***The archive contains 2 versions the tractor JD 8020 Series***
---> With Interactive Control script(IC)
---> Normal version(Doors opened with mouse control) compatible with Course Play!
* Please keep only the original link,Don’t upload this mod on other hosts.
* Please respect my work and please do not spend edit of this mod!
* You can move mod on other forums just copy the whole thing.
Version 2.0.0
Rysiu_77_ -
26. März 2020 um 21:36 -