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Welcome to Blake Farm
Blake Farm is a small farm based between Vassar and Frankemuth, Michigan.
It also happened where I grew up.
This is a map 2x based on my grandfather's farm.
My grandfather had no interest in becoming a great farmer; So I tried to keep this map as simple as possible.
My grandfather picked up corn, soy, wheat and picked up 10-15 feeder.
You start with all the fields that your grandfather actually has in real life, 15 cows, hay, straw, silage and healthy equipment.
Working cement silo is available for silage.
My grandfather also owned a farm in the north, where you can find a combine harvester and some other equipment.
There is a grassy area that I made sure it is flat so it can be used for placed grain containers, etc.
The map has chopped straw and is ready for the season.
Sales points are tucked into the SW corner of the map along with a paved area for the location.
I used as many local companies as possible.
There is also a sheep farm, sow and arable farm with a large shelter and grain silos.
A wood-burning stove in the back yard of a cow farm has a wooden selling point, and in the middle of the woods just south of Field 2,
there is a group of pines that re-create the winter woodcutting activity.
South of Box 3 is a small open area. My great grandfather had apple trees here and I let them open for those who like to use the fruit tree mod.
The animal load is located at the entrance gates in each animal area.
The seller of animals is across the road from other points of sale.
Here you will find a silage clamp, hay...
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
10. März 2020 um 10:28 -