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This is my edit of Pacific Northwest, I removed all the fields but one on the higher level of the map and added tons of different tree
types including BIG trees so you need a chainsaw or a modded harvester to cut them.
If your running a lower end PC i recomend turning your graphics setting down as there are some high tree counts on this map.
I take no credit for the original map as that belongs to the original author and i highly recomend his version as well.
Remember, this is just my personal edit but a few have asked me to share it so if logging isnt your thing then i recomened the original as it is a great map as well.
Version 2.0.0
Administrator -
16. Dezember 2020 um 11:39 -
Changes in Logging Edition v2.0 by me, Robbe:
- Overhauled the texturing, grass and bush placement in the newly created forestry lands. Decor depends on tree type.
- Adjusted pricing for many farmlands. Farmlands that were turned into forestry are cheaper now, and other lands have got price refinements depending on ease-of-use and farm-to-land ratio.
- Part of "useless land" is now non-buyable land (farmland 63 neutral ground). Other parts have been given a price because they can be used for grass farming and more.
- Created a new PDA with significantly higher detail and each tree visible, which reflects changes by ACME ACRES and me.
- Re-added certain horse, sawmill and old barn buildings.
- Removed fences around forestry land.
- Removed grass that was added over farming fields.
- Removed farms that wrongly existed on forestry land.
- Straightened out farmlands in the North.
- Changed one farm land to a grass land due to its non-funtional shape.
- Touched up the dirt road around the long fields in the SW.
- Changed a particular asphalt road back to dirt road like it was originally.
- Adjusted nightime: 21:30 - 6:00 (3 hours shorter). -
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
27. Februar 2020 um 13:00 -