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- Proper limited edition of John Deere " Black Edition",
- 360 workLights,
- GreenstarConfigurations work only with GPS mod!,
- Corrects "Black Edition" rimColorConfigurations,
- Proper "Black Edition" decalsDiffuses,
***FEATURES*** (Errors Free - clear LOG)
- 2 SoucyTracks 4x4 Configurations
- New, 2 Goodyear LSW OPTITRAC 1100/45R46 & 1000/40R32,
- IC Scripts: 12 IC animations,
- Openable Door and Window,
- New, realistic physics with mass,
- New, real 8R sounds,
- Over 50+ realistic Configurations,
- Fixed collision issue on our official ILS System,
- Fixed Dashboards numbers on Displays,
- ModDesc Fixes,
- Error Free,
- Wokring with newest version of the game.
- 36 Wheels Configurations: Singles, Duals, Triples, Wide, Floaters and Tracks,
- 2 SoucyTracks system Configurations,
- All 8R (2016-2018) Series motor Configurations,
- 3 Starfire Configurations (NO / 3000 / 6000),
- 5 Front bracket/weights Configurations,
- 4 Trumpets Configurations,
- 2 year model Configurations: 2016 and 2018,
- 3 Safety Triangle and Extremity lights Configurations,
- 4 Fender Configurations,
- 2 extra workLights Configurations,
- 4 Beacons Configurations.
Addons and New things by Mod Authors:
- IC Scripts (12 animations)
- Fully realistic Displays with all new Turning ON animations, HUDs and Dashboards Numbers & Animations (Rotating Turning ON circle,
separate Monitor Lights for Turning and work positoin - First that kind of animations in FS19!)
What's new:
- New Rims ($data paths and files)
- True working ILS (Independent Link Suspension)
- MouseControl for Main Frame high
- New, better Rims on $data paths and gamefiles!
- TurningON animations with separate realLights and dashboards on monitors
- 3 Starfire Configurations (NO / 3000 / 6000) with GPS monitor (separate TurnON animations and programing)
- UDIM on all extra parts,
- Cb Radio (UDIM)
- Realistic drive, motor scale and breaks
- Attacher Joints for all Tanks and equipment
- Extremity lights work only when they are unfolded
- Foldable Extremity lights
- HD quality Decals and Stickers
- All proper Safety Labels (stickers) including interior
- Better emissive effects in cab
- Fixed all Dashboard Animations
- Real values in xml
- New, real sounds
- Better lights emissive effects
- Fixed foliageBiding for all wheels Configurations and front Weights/Attachers Configurations
- Remodeled cab and mirrors
- Error Free.
- 12 animations on IC Scripts (wolant, buddySeat, Door, Window, Wipper Front/Back, Wipper Side, Extremity lights Folding, Seat Rotation, Main Display, Statistics Display, Menu Display.)
- ILS Suspension on mouseControl,
- True working ILS System,
- Fully scripted interior (monitors, icons, lights, HUDs, Dashboards),
- TurnON animations,
- Enter animations,
- Realistic physics,
- Lot of moving Parts with separate functions,
- Lights with reciveShadows,
- All standard functions.
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
23. Januar 2020 um 15:48 -