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Ok Guys heres my version of the John Deere cotton picker.
Ive upgraded it to a 9970 model.
This is a pack with picker module builder and cart.
This picker is still a WIP.
Lights are not working at the moment and other stuff needs to be finished up but I wanted to get them out so I can get some feed back.
AI works great.
So with credits to the original creators and Aaron Thom, My self for decals, details, scaling, wheels, header, and alot of other stuff.
Idc about UDIM and crap.
Keep in mind.
I make and edit my stuff for my gaming experience.
If its something you dont like simply dont download it.
Modding takes hours and hours and Ive got a good bit of time in on this as does other people.
So respect the work.
Positive feedback and suggestions for improvement is welcome.
Version 0.1
Administrator -
14. Dezember 2019 um 12:29 -